Workforce Digital Transformation Accelerates in the Age of Covid-19
451 Research
Digital transformation emerged as a priority in recent years for organizations looking to accelerate operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and improve customer growth and satisfaction. The conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have made digital transformation and digital transformation delivered as a cloud service (DTaaS) even more imperative.
Six months into the COVID-19 lockdown, 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise: Digital Pulse, Coronavirus Flash Survey June 2020 Survey shows how organizations are adapting to the new reality. Survey data shows that the operational impact of the pandemic has been widespread, but less disruptive than initially expected. While businesses initially struggled with the sudden shift to remote work in the early days of the lockdown, some expected productivity losses have failed to materialize, and others have been recovered. Of the 40% of enterprises reporting reduced productivity in March, about one-quarter have recovered. Only 3% now expect a reduction in productivity in or beyond the next three months, and most respondents (57%) do not expect they will experience productivity losses.
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